Stopping for petrol in Seoul's university district. The National Assembly building from the road. _images/rob/20170131-7621.jpg A typical Seoul cityscape. City and mountains – a view common in Seoul. A stand selling walnut and pine nut cakes, a traditional roadside snack on long journeys in Korea. Iced coffee is hugely popular in Korea; this is a small convenience store's range. A restaurant serving sashimi in Sokcho. We ate here with Kyung-ah and her family on the first night. A fish seller in Sokcho, a town famed for its fresh fish. An unusual fish in a Sokcho fishmongers' tanks. Helen, Marie, and Will admire the catch of the day. The tools of the trade for a fishmonger. Sokcho. Sokcho's many fishmongers distinguish themselves in interesting ways. A shop containing only claw game machines in Sokcho. A convenience store in Sokcho. One of Sokcho's fish markets. Fishmongers ring the harbour in Sokcho, metres away from where the boats land their catch. Squid drying in the frozen air, Sokcho. Fish drying in the freezing air, Sokcho. A streetfood stall selling tempura fish and vegetables, Sokcho. A brightly lit fishmongers in Sokcho. A pickup filled with snow in Sokcho. Snowdrifts in Sokcho. Korean fried chicken in Sokcho. Sokcho's harbour in the dawn twilight. Kyung-ah's house, outside of Sokcho. The wood store, Kyung-ah's house. Coffee in Kyung-ah's study. Will and Helen in Kyung-ah's study. Homemade dried persimon at Kyung-ah's house. Lots of books, some of them written by Kyung-ah herself, in her study. Fish, taken inside from the pond for the winter. Kyung-ah's study. Whales on the kitchen floor, painted by Kyung-ah's younger daughter. Kyung-ah's kitchen. Su-bin, Kyung-ah's eldest daughter, outside Kyung-ah's house. Kyung-ah's house. The gates of Kyung-ah's house, featuring Korean calligraphy. The view from Kyung-ah's house towards the mountains of the Seoraksan national park. Kyung-ah's husband, Jong-ki, scraping snow from the car in preparation for the trip up to the punchbowl. Snowy conditions outside Kyung-ah's house. A farm building inside the punchbowl. Farmers having trouble with their lorry in the snow. The punchbowl, Yanggu county. Marie and Helen in the punchbowl. The punchbowl, Yanggon county. A lorry in the Signposts for the 4th tunnel – a tunnel from North Korea into South Korea, discovered in 1990. Giving up on the car, stuck in the snow, on the road up to the apple farm. The car struggles in the snow on the road to the apple farm, shortly before being temporarily abandoned. Rows of apple saplings, the apple farm's first year's growth. One of the six dogs that roam the apple farm. (Facing, L-R) Lin Su-bin, Oh Kyung-ah, Kim Kyung-hee, and Kim Chul-ho receive gifts from Big Fish. One of the six dogs that roam the apple farm. A view of the apple saplings and out into the punchbowl beyond. Piles of woodchips, waiting to be turned into compost. The apple farm. Son Ki-hong explains the difference between Son Ki-hong explains the apple project's approach to the apples' stalks. Su-bin translates Mr. Son's teachings. Mr. Son talks about the criteria that distinguish a 1% apple from a 3% one. The current packaging for the apple project's apples. Dusk at the apple farm. A grilled fish restaurant, in Sokcho. We ate here on the second night, with the full party. Grilled fish restaurant, Sokcho. Grilled fish restaurant, Sokcho. Grilled fish restaurant, Sokcho. Kyung-ah at the grilled fish restaurant, Sokcho. Grilled fish and its roe, Sokcho. Grilled fish restaurant, Sokcho. A drunk man in a bar forces Will to listen to k-pop. Sokcho's worst nightspot. Sunrise in Sokcho. Sunrise in Sokcho. Sunrise in Sokcho. Sunrise in Sokcho. Sunrise in Sokcho. Fishermen prepare to launch, Sokcho. Fishermen prepare to launch, Sokcho. Sokcho harbour. Sokcho harbour. A boat docks in Sokcho harbour at sunrise. From almost the summit of Seorak mountain, in Seoraksan national park. Seorak mountain rest area, Seoraksan national park. Heading up to Kim Chul-ho's house. One of Kim Chul-ho's dogs. The view from Kim Chul-ho's house. Kim Kyung-hee posing for a photo next to the outdoor oven. Chicken stew cooking, at Mr. and Mrs. Kim's house. The second day's meeting begins in the barn next to Mr. and Mrs. Kim's house. The Kim household's cook prepares to serve chicken stew. The team get ready for lunch. Mr. and Mrs. Kim's house. Chicken stew, cooked with many different types of wood in order to imbue flavour. Mr. and Mrs. Kim's house. Lunch is served at Mr. and Mrs. Kim's house. Will talks about marketing. Kim Chul-ho, founder and CEO of the apple project. Son Ki-Hong, President of the apple project. Kim Kyung-hee, wife of the founder of the apple project. Oh Kyung-ah, garden designer for the apple project. Lim Jong-Ki, photographer for the apple project. Cho Du-Won, account manager for the apple project. Lim Su-bin, translator for the apple project. Dried fish snacks in a convenience store. Crisps and snacks in a convenience store. Driving to Seoul. Korean pears for sale in a supermarket. 28,000 won = approximately £19. Apples for sale in NongHyup, a Korean supermarket. 32,000 won = approximately £22; the apples are approximately £1.75 each. Apples for sale in a supermarket. These apples are for ordinary consumption, not gifting or ceremony. 12,000 won = £8; the apples are £2.70 each. Refrigerated fresh fruit in a supermarket outside Seoul. Ordinary eating apples for sale in NongHyup, a supermarket outside Seoul. 7,800 won = approximately £5; the apples cost 80p–£1 each. A supermarket outside Seoul. Fishcakes for sale in a supermarket outside Seoul. Greens for sale in a supermarket outside Seoul. Mr. Son talks about apple packaging in a supermarket outside Seoul. Fruit tea concentrate – just add hod water. In a supermarket outside Seoul. A fish seller at Garak market's fish section. A fish seller at Garak market's fish section. An electric delivery truck inside the Garak market. A fruit seller inside the Garak market. A mobile hat seller parades his wares inside the Garak market. A man rides a delivery scooter inside the Garak market. Potential buyers examine fruit before the beginning of an auction inside the Garak market. A woman serving Auctioneers begin the sale of apples in the Garak market. Bidders participate in a fruit auction in Garak market. Buyers enter their bids on hand-held electronic devices at a fruit auction inside Garak Market, Seoul. Buyers enter their bids on hand-held electronic devices at a fruit auction inside Garak Market, Seoul. Buyers enter their bids on hand-held electronic devices at a fruit auction inside Garak Market, Seoul. Buyers enter their bids on hand-held electronic devices at a fruit auction inside Garak Market, Seoul. Buyers enter their bids on hand-held electronic devices at a fruit auction inside Garak Market, Seoul. A cup of mixed coffee, costing 800 won (about 50p), served in the Garak market. The streets within Garak market, Seoul. A lorry makes a delivery of fruit at Garak market. Fruit and vegatable section, Garak market, Seoul. Fruit and vegatable section, Garak market, Seoul. Fruit and vegatable section, Garak market, Seoul. Fruit and vegatable section, Garak market, Seoul. Garak market, Seoul. A butcher chops pork in the meat section of Garak Market, Seoul. Dried fish for sale in Garak market, Seoul. Dried fish for sale in Garak market, Seoul. Garak market, Seoul. Garak market, Seoul. Garak market, Seoul. Garak market, Seoul. Pickled vegetables for sale in Garak market, Seoul. Garak market, Seoul. An interestingly named coffee shop that boasts of its 1 litre serving sizes. Straw protecting trees from frost, near Garak market, Seoul. Garak market, Seoul. Garak market, Seoul. Garak market, Seoul. Garak market, Seoul. Garak market, Seoul. Garak market, Seoul. Garak market, Seoul. Sweet, bean paste-filled buns for sale in the food hall, Hyundai department store, Seoul. Traditional Korean 'hanok' housing, Seoul. (L-R) Will Awdry, Marie Schultz, Helen Stevens, Lim Su-bin, Oh Kyung-ah. Traditional Korean 'hanok' housing, Seoul. Traditional Korean 'hanok' housing, Seoul. Traditional Korean 'hanok' housing, Seoul. Traditional Korean 'hanok' housing, Seoul. Traditional Korean 'hanok' housing, Seoul. Traditional Korean 'hanok' housing, Seoul. _images/rob/20170203-8277.jpg _images/rob/20170203-8281.jpg _images/rob/20170203-8282.jpg _images/rob/20170203-8284.jpg _images/rob/20170203-8290.jpg Eating Su Jeoi Bi, a torn-noodle soup. Eating Su Jeoi Bi, a torn-noodle soup. Eating Su Jeoi Bi, a torn-noodle soup. Eating Su Jeoi Bi, a torn-noodle soup. Making Su Jeoi Bi, a torn-noodle soup. Our faithful car and a bit of our driver, Du-won. Gyeongbokgung palace, Seoul. Gyeongbokgung palace, Seoul. Gyeongbokgung palace, Seoul. Gyeongbokgung palace, Seoul. Gyeongbokgung palace, Seoul. Gyeongbokgung palace, Seoul. Gyeongbokgung palace, Seoul. Gyeongbokgung palace, Seoul. Gyeongbokgung palace, Seoul. Gyeongbokgung palace, Seoul. Gyeongbokgung palace, Seoul. Gyeongbokgung palace, Seoul. Gyeongbokgung palace, Seoul. Gyeongbokgung palace, Seoul. Gyeongbokgung palace, Seoul. Gyeongbokgung palace, Seoul. Gyeongbokgung palace, Seoul. Gyeonghoeru Pavilion, Gyeongbokgung palace, Seoul. Gyeongbokgung palace, Seoul. Gyeonghoeru Pavilion, Gyeongbokgung palace, Seoul. Gyeonghoeru Pavilion, Gyeongbokgung palace, Seoul. Totem poles, Gyeongbokgung palace, Seoul. Dongdaemun design centre. Dongdaemun design centre. Dongdaemun design centre. Dongdaemun design centre. Dongdaemun design centre. Will playing the piano, Dongdaemun design centre. Dongdaemun design centre. _images/rob/20170203-8419.jpg _images/rob/20170203-8420.jpg _images/rob/20170203-8422.jpg _images/rob/20170203-8423.jpg _images/rob/20170203-8426.jpg _images/rob/20170203-8427.jpg _images/rob/20170203-8428.jpg _images/rob/20170203-8431.jpg _images/rob/20170203-8434.jpg _images/rob/20170203-8438.jpg _images/rob/20170203-8439.jpg _images/rob/20170203-8442.jpg